Monday, June 23, 2014


If you're here, then you're probably like me, you were busted for a DUI or other first time misdemeanor offense that is going to land you in Maricopa County Tent City Jail. You're likely confused, frightened, shocked, or just want to know what's going to happen to you. I spent a long time googling and asking around trying to find some answers, and found some very well written resources, found them to be extraordinarily helpful and decided that I want to contribute so I can help as well.

If you have questions, feel free to comment and I'll try to get you an answer. I wasn't in tent city long enough to proclaim myself to be an expert, but I learned a lot of things while I was there that I wish I had known before going. Getting a DUI, especially your first one, is very frightening, and in my case, was an eye opener. It was enough that I looked at myself and said "even though you don't drink a lot, what good has ever come from it?" I drank maybe 1 time per month but thinking back it was clear that I 1. always got a hangover 2. always spent a lot of money 3. always did something embarrassing 4. usually drove after drinking. The average person drives drunk about 65 times before getting caught, and I'm no exception. I'm a statistic. So, in my case, I decided doing something that made me broke, embarrassed, hung over, and in one case, landed in jail, is just really dumb. So I quit drinking. you don't have to, and I'm not recommending you do, but for me, going through something that changed my whole life for the positive in the long term (even though the short term was negative) somehow made it worthwhile.

Thanks for visiting my page.

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