Monday, June 23, 2014

CAM - Continuous Alcohol Monitoring

Part of my sentence was CAM, which is very very different from home detention. I scored big time on this one, again, because my lawyer did a great job.

Home detention - as I understand, will be a GPS ankle bracelet that will go off if you so much as go in your back yard or your patio. You'll have to report each week what your work schedule is and they will make sure you are at home when you're not at work, at work when you're not home, and that your travel is straight to/from. You'll get 6 hours per week of errand time, and trust me, they'll make sure you aren't out fucking around at your buddy's house. There will also be a Breathalyzer in your home that will go off at three random times per day, requiring you to look into it for a picture, then blow into it for a breath sample. If you miss one of these because you didn't hear the machine, or you blow alcohol, you're going to get time added at the least, or kicked out of the program at worst, which means more jail time.

CAM - what I got - is simple and painless in comparison. I happen to be wearing that ankle bracelet right now. It's pretty uncomfortable, and I can feel it taking a sample about every ten minutes, but it's not bad considering what I could be doing. I had to get a home phone line, and while they say ANALOG ONLY in big bold letters, I was able to get Cox Digital Telephone and plug the transmitter directly into my modem. Cox doesn't offer analog so this was kind of strange to me that they had the analog thing mentioned. Anyway, every night between 3-4am while I am sleeping, the ankle bracelet is going to connect to the transmitter wirelessly, without my intervention, to send the results from the day's samples, and then the transmitter is going to dial the CAM provider to send it all in. Simple and easy, really. I can go where I want and do what I want as long as I don't consume alcohol, which is easy because I 100% quit drinking after the DUI arrest.

The only drawback, and this doesn't really matter because it's with both home detention and CAM, is you can't use mouthwash, hand sanitizer, or any shampoo or shaving cream with alcohol, or really anything with alcohol. The machine is very sensitive, and while if you used mouthwash, your BAC would go up to .35 or so, then back to zero, making it obvious that you weren't actually drinking, you'll still get a phone call and have to explain yourself.

If you play your cards right, as a first time offender, you can get CAM. My fee for 11 days was $195.

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